BEKASI, – Serikat Media Siber Indonesia (SMSI) Kabupaten Bekasi mengutuk penganiayaan yang dilakukan oknum PNS Kabupaten Karawang yang melakukan penganiayaan terhadap 2 jurnalis, Gusti Gumilar alias Junotdan Zaenal Abidin. “Kami Selengkapnya
SMSI Kabupaten Bekasi Gerudug Kantor Bupati Karawang, Doni Ardon: Tangkap Aang!
KARAWANG, – Serikat Media Siber Indonesia (SMSI) Kabupaten Bekasi melakukan aksi demo ke Kantor Bupati dan Gedung DPRD Kabupaten Karawang, Jalan Bypass, Kamis (22/09/2022) mulai pukul 10.00 WIB. Aksi demo untuk Selengkapnya
Bupati Karawang Berniat Suap Wartawan Korban Kekerasan, Junot: Saya Tolak
KARAWANG, – Gusti Sevta Gumilar alias Junot, salah satu wartawan korban kekerasan oknum PNS di Karawang membongkar upaya suap dilakukan Bupati Karawang Cellica. blak blakan menolak upaya damai tersebut Selengkapnya
How Dividends Affect Stockholder Equity
However, it is important to note that this has some important consequences for what happens as well as what interested individuals can expect. Perhaps unsurprisingly, cash dividends come in a Selengkapnya
How to do t accounts accounting? California Learning Resource Network
They offer a common language for accountants of all backgrounds to communicate and collaborate effectively. This is where T accounts come in as a bridge between the raw data and Selengkapnya
How Long Does MDMA Stay In Your System? Ecstasy Detection Window
Most people swallow MDMA in pill or capsule form, but some snort it as how long does ecstasy stay in your system a powder. When snorted, MDMA enters the bloodstream Selengkapnya
Research & Development R&D Costs
By submitting, you agree that KPMG LLP may process any personal information you provide pursuant to KPMG LLP’s Privacy Statement. It is the combination of a predominant mindset, actions (both Selengkapnya
Three Phases of Addiction
Without an effective alternate solution to substance use, they’ll continue to find themselves trapped in the addiction cycle. How does addiction work, and why do people continue using alcohol and Selengkapnya
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